Flicket - FAQ

What is Flicket?

Flicket is a simple open source ticketing system driven by the python flask web micro framework.

Flicket also uses the following python packages:

alembic, bcrypt, flask-admin, flask-babel, flask-login, flask-migrate, flask-principal, flask-sqlalchemy, flask-script, flask-wtf, jinja2, Markdown, WTForms

See README.rst for full requirements.

## Licensing

For licensing see LICENSE.md



  1. How do I create a ticket?

    Select ‘create ticket’ from the Flicket pull down menu.

  2. How do I assign a ticket?

    Scenario: You have raised a ticket and you know to whom the ticket should be assigned.

    Navigate to [flicket home page](/flicket/) and select the ticket you wish to assign. Within the ticket page is a button to assign ticket.

  3. How do I release a ticket?

    Scenario: You have been assigned a ticket but the ticket isn’t your responsibility to complete or you are unable to for another reason.

    Navigate to [flicket home page](/flicket/) and select the ticket to which you have been assigned. Within the ticket page is a button to release the ticket from your ticket list.

  4. How do I close a ticket?

    Scenario: The ticket has been resolved to your satisfaction and you want to close the ticket.

    Navigate to [flicket home page](/flicket/) and select the ticket which you would like to close. Within the ticket page is a button to replay and close the ticket.

    Only the following persons can close a ticket: * Administrators. * The user which has been assigned the ticket. * The original creator of the ticket.

    You may claim the ticket so that you may close it.

  5. What is markdown?

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax.

    The text contents of a ticket can be made easier to read by employing markdown syntax.

  6. How do I change the locale (language settings)?

    In the top right hand corner click on your profile and select User Details. Within the Edit User Details page you can pick your locale. Locales can also be set on user creation.

    If you’d like to add a new locale see the section Adding Additional Languages.


The ticket main page can be filtered to show only results of a specific interest to you. Tickets can be filtered by department, category, user and a text string.



Only administrators or super users can add / edit or delete departments.

  1. How do I add new departments?

    Navigate to Departments via the menu bar and use the add departments form.

  2. How do I edit departments?

    Navigate to [departments](/flicket/departments/) and select the edit link against the department name.

  3. How do I delete departments?

    Navigate to [departments](/flicket/departments/) and select the remove link against the department name. This is represented with a cross.



Only administrators or super users can add / edit or delete categories.

  1. How do I add categories?

    Navigate to [departments](/flicket/departments/) and select the link to add categories against the appropriate department name.

  1. How do I edit categories?

    Navigate to [departments](/flicket/departments/) and select the link to add categories against the appropriate department name.