
Command Line Options

From the command line the following options are available.


usage: [-?]

positional arguments:
    db                  Perform database migrations
    export_users        Command used by to export all the users from
                        the database to a json file. Useful if we need a list
                        of users to import into other applications.
    import_users        Command used by to import users from a json
                        file formatted such: [ { username, name, email,
                        password. ]
    update_user_posts   Command used by to update the users total
                        post count. Use when upgrading from 0.1.4.
                        Command used by to update the users total
                        post count. Use if upgrading to 0.1.7.
                        Script to be run independently of the webserver.
                        Script emails users a list of outstanding tickets that
                        they have created or been assigned. To be run on a
                        regular basis using a cron job or similar. Email
                        functionality has to be enabled.
    runserver           Runs the Flask development server i.e.
    shell               Runs a Python shell inside Flask application context.

optional arguments:
  -?, --help            show this help message and exit

Administration Config Panel


For email configuration the following options are available. At a minimum you should configure mail_server, mail_port, mail_username and mail_password.

For more information regarding these settings see the documentation for Flask-Mail.

class flicket_admin.models.flicket_config.FlicketConfig(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Server configuration settings editable by administrators only via the administration page /flicket_admin/config/.

For email configuration settings see for more information.

  • mail_server (str) – example:

  • mail_port (int) – example: 567

  • mail_use_tls (bool) – example: true

  • mail_use_ssl (bool) – example: false

  • mail_debug (bool) – example: false

  • mail_username (str) – example: flicket.admin

  • mail_password (str) –

  • mail_default_sender (str) – example:

  • mail_max_emails (int) –

  • mail_suppress_send (bool) –

  • mail_ascii_attachments (bool) –

  • application_title (str) – Changes the default banner text from Flicket. Can typically be your company name.

  • posts_per_page (str) – Maximum number of posts / topics displayed per page.

  • allowed_extensions (str) – A comma delimited list of file extensions users are allowed to upload. DO NOT include the . before the extension letter.

  • ticket_upload_folder (str) – The folder used for file uploads.

  • base_url (str) – The sites base url. This is used to resolve urls for emails and links. Broken links are probably a result of not setting this value.

  • csv_dump_limit (str) – The maximum number of rows exported to csv.

  • change_category (bool) – Enable/disable change category.

  • change_category_only_admin_or_super_user (bool) – Only admins or super users can change category.

static extension_allowed(filename)

Validates extension of a given filename and returns True if valid. Otherwise False. :param filename: :return:

static valid_extensions()

Returns a list of valid extensions. :return: list()