
First read Requirements.

It is good practise to create a virtual environment before installing the python package requirements. Virtual environments can be considered a sand boxed python installation for a specific application. They are used since one application may require a different version of a python module than another.

Getting Flicket

The source code for Flicket is hosted at GitHub. You can either get the latest frozen zip file or use the latest master branch.

Zip Package

Download Flicket and unzip.

Master Branch

Get the latest master branch from github using git:

git clone

Alternatively, download and unzip the master branch zip file.

Installing Python Requirements

Install the requirements using pip::

(env) C:\<folder_path>\flicket> pip install -r requirements.txt

Set Up

  1. Create your database and a database user that will access the flicket database.

  1. If you are using a database server other than MySQL you should change the db_type value within See SQLAlchemy_documentation for options.

  2. Create the configuration json file:

    python -m scripts.create_json
  3. Initialise the database using from the command line:

    python db init
    python db migrate
    python db upgrade
  1. Run the set-up script:. This is required to create the Admin user and site url defaults. These can be changed again via the admin panel once you log in:

    python run_set_up
  2. Running development server for testing:

    python runserver

Log into the server using the username admin and the password defined during the setup process.